This program is part of a 9-week long series! Do you often read a book and think, “That’s not what I would do”? Now is your chance to be in charge of the story! Engineer Your Adventure Lab (ages 10-14) is designed for participants who are interested in combining the fun of a fantasy roleplaying game with the problem-solving approach of an engineer. Join us as we immerse ourselves in a fictional quest filled with danger, choices, and consequences. By the end of the series, you’ll have acquired the skills you need in several different branches of engineering to successfully avoid capture and win the final great battle!
Featured Books: Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo by Ben Costa and Bone by Jeff Smith
December 8: Engineer an Adventure
December 15: A Step in the Right Direction
December 22: Map It Out
December 29: Light the Way
January 5: Building Bridges
January 12: A Need for Speed
January 19: Launch and Learn
January 26: Battle Stations
February 2: Kingdom
Registration is required for this event, and must be completed two hours prior to the start time. A library card is required for registration. If you do not have a card, click here to obtain a card. Please add the name of each participant in the program when completing registration.
Attendance is limited. Please arrive early to check in. Check in starts 30 minutes prior to the start of the program. When the program begins, unfilled registered spots will be made available to customers at a first come, first served basis.
Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, accommodations for persons with disabilities are available upon request. Please allow 1–2 business days to process. Last-minute requests will be accepted, but may not be possible to fulfill. Please ask for Learning Services at 255-2665 or email